Videos tagged with Jack L. Goldsmith

  • Professor Jack L. Goldsmith of Harvard Law School characterizes Trump’s abuses of power, the rise of populism, and other points raised in his book “After Trump: Reconstructing the Presidency,” co-authored with Bob Bauer of NYU Law School.

    His discussion was part of the first episode of the “Beyond COVID” series, “The U.S. Presidency: Looking Forward,” co-produced by the Bolch Judicial Institute of Duke Law School and the American Law Institute.

    Also appearing: David F. Levi, Director of the Bolch Judicial Institute and Levi Family Professor of Law

  • David F. Levi, director of the Bolch Judicial Institute and president of the The American Law Institute, leads a panel discussion on the future of the American presidency. Panelists include David Kennedy, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, Emeritus, Stanford University; Daphna Renan, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; Terry Moe, William Bennett Munro Professor of Political Science, Stanford University; and Jack L. Goldsmith, Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University.

    Sponsored by the Bolch Judicial Institute and the American Law Institute.

  • Jack L. Goldsmith, the Henry L. Shattuck Professor of Law at Harvard University, delivers the annual Brainerd Currie Memorial Lecture on "The Failure of Internet Freedom." Goldsmith makes the case that the pursuit of internet regulation policies encouraging individual flourishing, technological innovation, and economic prosperity in the United States have had disastrous consequences abroad and domestically, where a relatively unregulated internet is being used for ill, to a point that threatens basic American institutions.